
Hydrocracking is a two-stage process combining catalytic cracking and hydrogenation, wherein heavier feedstock are cracked in the presence of hydrogen to produce more desirable products. The process employs high pressure, high temperature, a catalyst, and hydrogen. Hydrocracking is used for feedstock that are difficult to process by either catalytic cracking or reforming, since these feedstock are characterized usually by a high polycyclic aromatic content and/or high concentrations of the two principal catalyst poisons, sulfur and nitrogen compounds.

The hydrocracking process largely depends on the nature of the feedstock and the relative rates of the two competing reactions, hydrogenation and cracking. Heavy aromatic feedstock is converted into lighter products under a wide range of very high pressures (1,000-2,000 psi) and fairly high temperatures (750°-1,500° F), in the presence of hydrogen and special catalysts. When the feedstock has a high paraffinic content, the primary function of hydrogen is to prevent the formation of polycyclic aromatic compounds. Another important role of hydrogen in the hydrocracking process is to reduce tar formation and prevent buildup of coke on the catalyst. Hydrogenation also serves to convert sulfur and nitrogen compounds present in the feedstock to hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.

Hydrocracking produces relatively large amounts of isobutane for alkylation feedstock. Hydrocracking also performs isomerization for pour-point control and smoke-point control, both of which are important in high-quality jet fuel.

In the first stage, preheated feedstock is mixed with recycled hydrogen and sent to the first-stage reactor, where catalysts convert sulfur and nitrogen compounds to hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Limited hydrocracking also occurs.

After the hydrocarbon leaves the first stage, it is cooled and liquefied and run through a hydrocarbon separator. The hydrogen is recycled to the feedstock. The liquid is charged to a fractionator. Depending on the products desired (gasoline components, jet fuel, and gas oil), the fractionator is run to cut out some portion of the first stage reactor out-turn. Kerosene-range material can be taken as a separate side-draw product or included in the fractionator bottoms with the gas oil.

The fractionator bottoms are again mixed with a hydrogen stream and charged to the second stage. Since this material has already been subjected to some hydrogenation, cracking, and reforming in the first stage, the operations of the second stage are more severe (higher temperatures and pressures). Like the outturn of the first stage, the second stage product is separated from the hydrogen and charged to the fractionator.

Hydrocracking Process




Typical products – to – unit

High pour point

Catalytic cracker, atmospheric & vacuum tower

Decomposition, hydrogenation

  • Kerosen, jet fuel To Blending

Gas oils

Vacuum tower, coker

Decomposition, hydrogenation

  • Gasoline, distillates To Blending



Decomposition, hydrogenation

  • Recycle, reformer gas To Gas plant

Schematic of a two-stage hydrocraking unit

Because this unit operates at very high pressures and temperatures, control of both hydrocarbon leaks and hydrogen releases is important to prevent fires. In some processes, care is needed to ensure that explosive concentrations of catalytic dust do not form during recharging. Inspection and testing of safety relief devices are important due to the very high pressures in this unit. Proper process control is needed to protect against plugging reactor beds. Unloading coked catalyst requires special precautions to prevent iron sulfide-induced fires. The coked catalyst should either be cooled to below 120° F before dumping, or be placed in nitrogen-inerted containers until cooled.

There is a potential for exposure to hydrocarbon gas and vapor emissions, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide gas due to high-pressure leaks. Large quantities of carbon monoxide may be released during catalyst regeneration and changeover. Catalyst steam stripping and regeneration create waste streams containing sour water and ammonia.

Because of the operating temperatures and presence of hydrogen, the hydrogen sulfide content of the feedstock must be strictly controlled to a minimum to reduce the possibility of severe corrosion. Corrosion by wet carbon dioxide in areas of condensation also must be considered. When processing high-nitrogen feedstock, the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide form ammonium hydrosulfide (bisulfide), which causes serious corrosion at temperatures below the water dew point. Ammonium hydrosulfide is also present in sour water stripping. See detailed information about ammonium bisulfide corrosion in this web site.